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Perrysburg Schools

Ensuring ALL Students Achieve Their Greatest Potential

Grading Beliefs and Practices

Consistent & Equitable Grading Policy
We maintain a consistent and equitable grading policy for all types of assessments, which holds students accountable for their own learning and academic performance. Grades are recorded on a scale of 50-100% or a converted rubric. Grades recorded below 60% in Schoology are preliminary, pending student initiative to exercise a second-chance opportunity. If that opportunity is not exercised, the grade will be recorded as is or as 0% if no attempt is made to complete the assignment by the student. 

Grading Philosophy
Hull Prairie Intermediate School’s grading philosophy is based upon Best Practice and research. We recognize that students in the middle grades are at varying stages of development and readiness; they are continually growing academically, socially, and emotionally. We believe the purpose of grades is to communicate information about a student’s achievement at a given time and about learning trends during the school year. Additionally, we believe that academic grades will primarily reflect students ‘mastery of the content of the Ohio Learning Standards and the district-approved curriculum.

Guiding Principles
At Hull Prairie Intermediate School, teachers and administrators are dedicated to assessing students’ knowledge using clear and objective measures and communicating those measurements to all stakeholders. To this end, grades will:
  • Be aligned to our core beliefs
  • Convey achievement of identified standards approved by the Perrysburg Exempted Village School District
  • Be predominantly determined by achievement and not by behavior
  • Be based on quality assessments and objective evidence of learning
  • Support student learning
  • Be clearly communicated to all stakeholders on an ongoing basis
How Are Grades Weighted?
Academic Core Classes (ELA, Math, Science & Social Studies)
  • 70%      Classroom Assessments (Common & Summative) 
  • 25%      Projects, Presentations, Writing Assignments, Labs, and Other Classroom Activities
  • 5%        Executive Functioning - Participation, Homework, Extra Credit and Other Miscellaneous Items
Creative Arts & Exploratory Classes
  • 95%      Assessments, Projects, Presentations, Class Assignments and Performances
  • 5%        Executive Functioning - Participation, Homework, Extra Credit and Other Miscellaneous Items


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