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Perrysburg Schools

Ensuring ALL Students Achieve Their Greatest Potential

Military Families Help Guide

Welcome, Military-Connected Families

We're here to help!

Perrysburg Schools recognizes that Military-connected families face unique challenges, and we strive to do all we can to help these families.
Did you know?
• Over 2 million Military children have experienced a parental deployment since 2001.
• Currently there are 1.2 million Military children of active duty members worldwide. 
• Over 80% of Military children attend public schools.
• The average Military family moves three times more often than their civilian counterpart.
• One-third of school-age Military children show psychosocial behaviors such as being anxious, worrying often and crying more frequently. 

Military-Connected Family School Support Staff

Perrysburg High School
Jessica L. Howell
Perrysburg Junior High School
Anne Matolyak
Chad Warnimont

Hull Prairie Intermediate School
Nancy Oster, Secretary
Lisa Caswell, Teacher
Nicole Wagner, School Counselor

Ft. Meigs Elementary School
Stanley George, Music Teacher

Frank Elementary School
Kelly Pirolli, Teacher

Toth Elementary School
Jennifer Beale, Teacher
Jessica Molina, Principal

Woodland Elementary School
Sherry Shaffer, Dean of Students

Role: To assist in facilitating with any transition or support needs during enrollment, parental leave and/or academic questions. Work with counseling staff and can help facilitate necessary conversations with any staff members.
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