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Community Engagement re: Elementary Boundaries

Perrysburg Schools

Ensuring ALL Students Achieve Their Greatest Potential


Flyer Distribution Requests

Procedure for Requests to Distribute Materials to Students

Any request from civic institutions, charitable organizations or special interest groups that involve such activities as patriotic functions, contests, exhibits, sales of products to and by students, providing promotional materials to students, graduation prizes, fundraising or free teaching materials must be reviewed and approved by the Superintendent, and any such approval, granted for whatever cause or group, shall not be construed as an endorsement of said cause or group by this Board. The Board cautions parents to carefully review the materials submitted and to consider that the school is not endorsing the materials.

Any person or organization wishing to distribute information to students/families must submit it using the following online form. Approval is contingent upon there being no profanity or offensive speech contained in the submission and it cannot discriminate against any protected class as defined by the Office for Civil Rights. If permission to distribute the material is denied, the person or organization shall have the opportunity to make necessary revisions and/or deletions and re-submit to the Superintendent. Permission to distribute or display material does not imply agreement of its contents by either the administration of the school, the Superintendent or the Board.

Perrysburg Schools does not offer a kiosk or backpack stuffer option for hard copies of flyers; the process is entirely online. Once approved, the information submitted will be made available to parents in digest form for a period of one week. No graphics are permitted, but submissions may link to a flyer or additional information on another web site. Information submitted by 8 a.m. on Monday will be emailed to all families in the school district that week.

Anyone who wishes to distribute information to
students/families must submit a form using this link.

Once approved, the information is posted at this link.

This replaces any hard copies that are distributed to students except for official district communications, information from school-sponsored teams/clubs or materials from official District Support Organizations.

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