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Community Engagement re: Elementary Boundaries

Perrysburg Schools

Ensuring ALL Students Achieve Their Greatest Potential

Facility Rental

Perrysburg Schools Facility Rental

The Board of Education believes that the school facilities of this district should be made available for community purposes, provided that such use does not infringe on the original and necessary purpose of the property or interfere with the educational program of the schools and is harmonious with the purposes of this district.

Facility Rental Procedure

Renting Our Facilities

Community members interested in renting Perrysburg Schools facilities must first create a community user account on our online facility-use reservation system.

Click option below:
First Time Users Please Click Here
Returning Users Please Click Here for Facility Use Request

What are the costs of renting a facility?
Perrysburg Schools rental fees are guided by district policy as approved by the Board of Education.
Please note that Perrysburg Schools supports Community use of the districts facilities consistent with our educational program.  Such use, however, shall not result in additional costs to the District.  Fees are therefore assessed to ensure cost recovery for utility, wear and tear, and personnel costs.  Per district’s collective bargaining agreement, on-site custodial staffing is required for all events. Please note that food trucks are not permitted on school property. 

Please click here to read more about our fees.

Please contact the Building Use Facilitator, Kit Veller, at 419-872-8840 ext. 2120 or [email protected] with questions regarding fees, invoices, and facility rental.  Please do not contact the schools directly with questions about facility rental. 

Notice for Outside Organizational Use of District Facilities

For the health and wellness of our students and staff who have illnesses, disabilities (including severe allergies), and other environmental sensitivities, the District requires organizations that use District facilities to support the protection of the learning environment by implementing the preventative practices listed below. These preventative practices are aimed at decreasing germs, allergens and other irritants in our building during your use of the facilities.

= Participants wash hands before and after event
= Store food in airtight containers
= Refrain from using aerosol or scented sprays inside the building or by entrances/exits
= Refrain from bringing in any type of loose or packaged peanuts and tree nuts
= Dispose of trash in appropriate receptacles

Thank you in advance for your cooperation to support a healthy learning environment.
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