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Perrysburg Schools

Ensuring ALL Students Achieve Their Greatest Potential

Senior Citizen Activity Passes

Senior Citizen Activity Passes

Senior Stinger Passes

Here’s How They Work

Perrysburg Schools seeks to include school supporters of all ages in school activities. The district provides residents age 60 or older the opportunity to visit our Central Office at 140 E. Indiana Avenue to have their photo taken for a Senior Stinger Activity Pass. Please contact Mary Neely at or 419-874-9131 at extension 2102 to make an appointment.

What’s a Senior Stinger Pass?

With a Senior Stinger Pass you get free admittance to  Perrysburg Jr. High and High School athletic events such as football  and basketball games. You may also attend plays and musicals produced by  the Perrysburg Jr. High and High School Drama Departments free of charge. Senior Stinger Citizen Activity Passes may be redeemed at the theatre box office.

Some Tips on Using Your Senior Stinger Pass

Senior Stinger Passes are good for a lifetime. You  only have to apply for one once, and then it’s valid forever. While  admittance is free, there are times when you need to pick up your  tickets in advance in order to reserve a seat. That means if you want to  see a play that has reserved seating or could be sold out, you need to  pick up your tickets when they go on sale in-person at the box office. The tickets will still be free, but if you do not get your tickets in advance, you take the chance  of all seats being filled. You must go in person to pick up your tickets. You cannot send your pass with someone else. Unfortunately, the passes are not valid at away games or at tournaments.

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