*Homeschool/External Students - please contact the athletic office for assistance.
The Perrysburg Schools' Athletic Department uses Final Forms, an online program
which enables families to complete and file most school forms electronically. Enrollment
into the school district is through FinalForms, so every attending student already has an
account immediately available to them.
2. To sign up your student for athletics, log into your Final Forms parent account and
click the “+ Add Sports” button next to your student’s name. All sports available to
the student will display.
*If you do not have a parent account or do not see your student in your account
once you log in, please contact the school office for assistance.
3. Select the sport you want your student to participate in and click UPDATE SPORTS.
4. You may add/remove sports at any time before the registration deadline, though you
and your student will be required to look over and (re)certify information is still
correct. Some sports may have additional forms.
5. Your student will automatically be prompted to log in and sign once you complete all
6. OHSAA Physical Form - The only file that families are still required to print,
complete and file in the athletic department is the OHSAA Physical form. Doctors
must complete the physical form and by law the school district is required to have a
signed copy on file. Once a student's physical is received by the athletic department,
the school district will enter the expiration date into FinalForms. Families will receive
automatic notifications when their student's forms need to be updated. Automatic
emails will be sent to you when your student’s physical is within 60, 30, 15 and 5
days of expiring.
7. File Upload - Families are encouraged to use the upload feature in FinalForms to
upload physicals directly into the student’s folder. To access your student’s folder,
log in to your parent account and click on the folder icon to the far right of your
student’s name. See FinalForms Upload Instructions.pdf below.
8. How do I update information? Log in at any time and click UPDATE FORMS to
update your information throughout the school year.