A community facility planning committee, composed of over 50 community members who applied, presented a unified recommended facility plan to the Board of Education on Wednesday, March 1, 2023, to address student population growth and facility needs in the school district. The Board of Education, the Fiscal Office and Administration analyzed the recommendation.
The Board of Education voted unanimously on June 20, 2023, to place a $140,000,000 bond issue (5.95 mills) on the November 7, 2023, ballot for the following:
- New 800 student elementary school
- High School – classroom/cafeteria additions, boilers/chillers and site work
- Ft. Meigs, Toth & Woodland – additions and essential infrastructure improvements
- Jr. High – essential infrastructure improvements
- Steinecker Stadium – new restrooms and entrance
- Transportation – garage addition
Since 2013, our school district has grown by 17% or 862 students. To put this in perspective, HPI currently serves 852 students. This project, if approved by voters, would provide 105 classrooms, which the community committee identified as the primary need to bring the school district to 2040.