Our teachers, programs, and facilities have an impact each and everyday on our students. Our goal is to make sure that all of these components are the best they can be, because that is what our kids deserve.
Please consider a gift to a program that made a difference in your life at Perrysburg Schools. Your tax-deductible gift can be directed toward any of the following areas:
- Academic Programs- supporting the gifted and intervention programs as well as exciting opportunities for new initiatives
- Arts- including visual and performing arts in grades K-12
- Athletics- fund the robust Jr. High and High School Yellow Jackets
- Faculty Support- provide needed funds for training and opportunities to bring new ideas into the classrooms for students
- Technology in the Classroom- give students the tools to succeed in our high-tech world
- Highest Need- unrestricted gifts to meet the needs of Perrysburg Schools
Gifts can be made via credit/debit card online using the form below. You can also download a form to print and mail with a check using this link.
You will have the opportunity to make your gift in honor/memory of someone. If you provide their address in the comment section, we will make sure to send them a note sharing the news of your gift.
Your investment in Perrysburg Schools will make a difference in closing the ever-widening gap between what is funded through the State of Ohio and other sources and the needs and expectations of the school district. The goal is to ensure that innovation is never held back in the classrooms, studios, stages, fields, or facilities because of a lack of resources.
If you are interested in making a gift of securities, stock or an estate gift, please contact:
Jeff Abke '96
Director of Development - Perrysburg Schools
419-874-9131 ext. 2274
[email protected]
*If you work for a company with a matching gift program, your gift can have an even larger impact. Please check with your employer.