Memorial/Tribute Gifts

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Memorial/Tribute Gifts

We are honored to accept tribute donations in memory of family members, classmates, friends, school district staff members, and beloved community members who have passed away.

Gifts can be made to the Perrysburg Schools Foundation in the following ways:

  • By credit/debit card online using this link: in the space provided: please note who the gift is in memory of
  • By check made payable to Perrysburg Schools Foundation, mail to 140 East Indiana Avenue, Perrysburg OH 43551, in the memo line: please note who the gift is in memory of
  • If you are interested in making a gift of securities, stock, or an estate gift, please contact Jeff Abke '96, Director of Development, by phone at 419-874-9131 ext. 2274, or by email at [email protected]
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