I. Criteria for Nominations:
A. All candidates must be nominated on an official Hall of Fame nomination form. The candidate must be eligible in one of the following categories:
1. The nominee, if an ATHLETE, becomes eligible 10 years after the time his/her class graduated from Perrysburg High School and should have earned two or more varsity letters in at least one sport.
2. The nominee, if a COACH, must have coached at least 20 years or more in the Perrysburg High School athletic program and must have made an outstanding contribution to the athletic program during his/her tenure.
3. The nominee, if a SCHOOL OFFICIAL, must have been employed at least 20 years or more by the Perrysburg City Schools and must have made an outstanding contribution to the athletic program during his/her tenure.
4. The nominee, if a COMMUNITY MEMBER, will be considered if they have made ongoing and outstanding contributions to the sports program at Perrysburg High School.
5. The nominee, if a team becomes eligible 10 years after the time his/her class graduated from Perrysburg High School.
B. The record and or the contribution of the individual must be so outstanding that there is no question as to his/her qualifying for the Hall of Fame.
C. The nominee must have demonstrated good citizenship in school and after leaving school.
D. All inductees must be able to attend or be represented.
E. One nominated, the nomination will be kept active for a period not to exceed three years. Following that time, nominations will be kept in an active file to be used for reference in later years.
F. Nominations are due in the Perrysburg High School Athletic Office by the first Monday in November in order to be considered for induction for that year.
II. Who May Nominate
Any member of the community, past or present athletic staff, teaching staff or administrative staff. Members of the selection committee may nominate for induction III. Selection committee should consist of:
- Current Athletic Director
- Current Assistant Athletic Director
- Current High School Principal
- Two Community Members
- President of Boosters Hall of Fame
- 2 Current or Former High School Coaches
III. Selection of Inductees
A. The selection committee will be notified of all eligible candidates no later than Oct. 31. Each member will receive the names of eligible candidates and the nomination form. Specific accomplishments etc. can be obtained at the High School Athletic Office.
B. The committee must meet to select that year's class no later than Nov. 30. Should a committee member be unable to attend, he/she may vote by absentee ballot provided it is turned in prior to the meeting date.
C. At the selection meeting, all materials will be made available to the committee for review. Once all questions and concerns have been addressed a written vote will be held. For a nominee to be elected, he/she must receive a minimum of 2/3 vote. (Should a committee member be a nominee, he/she may not vote for himself/herself. Members may vote for nominees they have nominated.
D. There shall be no minimum members to be inducted with a maximum to be inducted set at six. In case of a tie, for numbers of inductees, total votes received will be used to break the tie. Should a tie still exist, a second ballot for these individuals must be taken with the members voting for only the number of positions on the class still available. If after two votes, the tie cannot be broken, the committee may agree to accept both/all nominees that were tied.
IV. Induction Ceremonies
A. Awards - each inductee will receive a plaque bearing his/her likeness as well as a written dialogue documenting his/her accomplishments. A duplicate plaque will be added to the existing hall of fame plaques on the wall of fame.
B. A committee will be appointed to handle all arrangements for the banquet and ceremonies.
C. The date of induction will be left up to the Athletic Administration to be placed on the school calendar. It is recommended that a common date be used each year to set an established time each year.