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Election Outcome
Dear Families, Employees and Community Members,

I extend my deepest gratitude to each and every one of you who dedicated your time, effort and passion towards supporting our ballot issue aimed at addressing the critical need for a new elementary school and the expansion of classrooms in three other elementary schools. Your unwavering commitment to our students and their educational future has been truly inspiring.

I am grateful to the hundreds of volunteers who gave generously of their time to support the issue. I would like to especially thank our campaign co-chairs, Kristin Kaiser and Ashley Sackett; campaign co-treasurers, Eric Benington and Chris Gorringe; volunteer campaign manager, Rachel Zickar; and the community group that invested over 14 months studying the challenges our school district faces due to student population growth to put forth the recommended plan.

Although the election did not yield the outcome we had hoped for, it is important to acknowledge and respect the decision that has been made. Perrysburg Schools remains resolute in our dedication to providing the highest quality educational opportunities for our students.

Together, we will persevere and continue to make a positive impact on the lives of our students. Your ongoing support and commitment are invaluable as we navigate the path forward.

Tom Hosler
Perrysburg Schools