Food and Candy Sales

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Food and Candy Sales

Fundraisers involving sales of food and/or candy during the school day must meet the Smart Snack Standards. 

More information can be found by reviewing the District Policy Manual, specifically Policy 8550 - Competitive Food Sales which notes: "All food items and beverages sold to students that will be consumed on the school campus (any area of property under the jurisdiction of the school that is accessible to students during the school day) during the school day (the period from the midnight before, to thirty (30) minutes after the end of the official school day), including items sold from vending machines, from school stores, or as fund-raisers, including fundraisers operated by student clubs and organizations, parent groups, or boosters clubs, shall comply with the USDA Dietary Guidelines for Americans and the USDA Smart Snacks in School nutrition standards."

Foods that do not meet the Smart Snack Standards cannot be sold from midnight through 30 minutes after the school day has ended.

If would like to hold a fundraiser that involves selling food items during the school day, please contact Denise Zielske, Director of Child Nutrition, at [email protected] to see if the item meets the Smart Snack standards.

More information regarding the rules of this federal regulation can be found at these links:
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