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Judge Osterud receives Award for Mock Trial Coaching Excellence
Mock Trial Members

The Board of Trustees of the Ohio Center for Law-Related Education has named retired Judge S. Dwight Osterud as the recipient of the Lori Urogdy-Eiler Award for Mock Trial Coaching Excellence for 2016. This award is presented annually to an Ohio Mock Trial coach, legal advisor or volunteer who selflessly shares time, knowledge and skills to make a difference in the lives of students.

Former Mock Trial students and volunteers nominated Judge Osterud for the Eiler Award. “I’m not sure that I deserve this award because Dr. Beth Rohrbacher and Kent Riesen, who also coach mock trial, are equally committed. However, I think this recognition reflects positively on our mock trial program and the life-changing influence it has on student’s lives,” said Judge Osterud.

Ohio Mock Trial is a statewide program designed to improve critical thinking, reading, writing, public speaking and listening skills. The students develop an understanding and appreciation for the law, court procedures and the judicial system. In addition, students gain an understanding of constitutional rights and responsibilities. The program recognizes and rewards students’ academic and intellectual achievements.

The Perrysburg Mock Trial program is in its 16th year of competition. Each year, volunteer attorneys create an original case around a current constitutional issue important to students. The students prepare their case from both the plaintiff and defense perspective. Competitions at the district, regional and state levels are conducted in actual courtrooms and are scored by panels of lawyers and judges.

The Perrysburg Mock Trial Team is sponsored by Exploring Outreach, LLC and conducts practices at the Perrysburg YMCA, the Commodore Building and Perrysburg High School. High school students interested in joining mock trial may contact a member or call 419 345-8532.

Judge Osterud also assists with the Perrysburg Junior High School mock trial program.